DH Events and Calls for Papers
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last edited
by Alan Liu 10 years, 2 months ago
Bulletin board of digital humanities events & CFPs (editable by all class members).
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Event or Call For Paper
CFP Submission Deadline
Item Added By
Scott Kleinman,"Thinking with Computers: Materiality, Digitality, and the Medieval Manuscript, ”Monday, December 1st at 5pm.
From: Rogerio de Souza Sergio Ferreira <rogeriossferreira@gmail.com> Date: Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 6:20 AM Subject: Call for Papers
... "Ipotesi" is our Graduate Program journal ... We accept papers in English, Spanish, Italian and French. Needless to say that you can count on me for any bureaucratic issue that might appear. P.S. For further information about IPOTESI, please go to http://www.ufjf.br/revistaipotesi/2014/11/21/chamada-revista-ipotesi-qualis-a1-volume-19-n-1-jan-jun-2015/
Call for papers Revista Ipotesi – Qualis A1, Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras: Estudos Literários da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora Volume 19, n. 1, jan./jun. 2015
Intermedialityandcontemporary dialogues Organizers: Professors Daniella Aguiar, Prisca Agustoni de Almeida e Silvina Carrizo Deadline for submissions: 30/03/2015 This Ipotesi issue expects unpublished and original academic contributions in Portuguese, Spanish, English, Italian, and French, focusing on intermediality as a phenomenon of interrelationships between different media and arts, and as a field of study interested in those productions. Media, a term that still requires further definition, involve the arts (such as literature, dance, visual arts, etc.); materials (picture, text, body, etc.); technologies (radio, film, video, mobile, etc.); among others. We will receive papers that could collaborate with theoretical research on intermediality; historical studies on specific relations, such as literature and painting, literature and dance, poetry and music, and its contemporary repercussions; as well as the analysis of the production and translation between media/arts; and also other approaches on this field of study with special focus on contemporary experiences. The papers should be presented according to the journal publication rules. The journal will also receive retrospectives, statements, interviews and reviews on the subject. For more information and style guide: http://www.ufjf.br/revistaipotesi/normas-de-publicacao/
Editor in chief: Professor AlexandreGraçaFaria. Vice-editor: Professor GilvanProcópio.Invited editors: Professors Daniella Aguiar, PriscaAgustoni de Almeida e Silvina Carrizo(Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora). Assistant: Cínthia Machado; e-mail to send the submissions: ipotesi19n2.intermidialidade@gmail.com, (and revista.ipotesi@ufjf.edu.br)
Alan |
Patrik Svensson, Discussion of Digital Humanities |
Digital Humanities Summer Institute http://www.dhsi.org/index.php
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Three week-long session modules: 1-5 June, 8-12 June, and 15-19 June, 2014.
Long-running, influential summer institute--a kind of DH "summer camp"--organized around intensive short-duration courses at beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels, with keynote speakers interspersed. Bursaries and MLA subsidies for costs available for students. (A number of UCSB graduate students have attended DHSI.)
College English Association Annual Convention
Indianapolis, March 26-28, 2015, http://cea-web.org/
The special panel chair for Digital Humanities welcomes proposals for papers and panels addressing the following topics:
- DH projects (digital collections/archives, digital editions, interactive maps, 3D models, etc.)
- DH research tools (text analysis, visualization, GIS mapping, etc.)
- DH pedagogy (teaching methodologies, curriculum development, project collaboration, etc.)
- DH centers (supporting research, consulting services, teaching faculty/students, etc.)
- Digital Project Management
- Data Curation
- The Future of DH
Please submit your paper title and abstract (200-500 words) to http://cea-web.org/ by 1 November 2014. Submitting electronically involves setting up a user ID and then using that ID to log in in order to submit a proposal to the conference. If you are submitting a panel with multiple participants, please create a user ID for each proposed participant. If you have questions about the DH panels, contact E. Leigh Bonds <leigh.bonds@case.edu>.
CEA also offers panels in Book History. If you have questions about BH panels, contact Ann Hawkins <ann.hawkins@ttu.edu> or Erin Bistline <erin.bistline@ttu.edu>.
If you have questions about the CEA conference or the general program, visit our website <http://cea-web.org/> or email us <cea.english@gmail.com>.
1 Nov 2014
CFP: Theorizing the Digital Humanities — An Anthology http://mattbernico.com/cfp-cfa-and-projects/
Theorizing the Digital Humanities is an invitation to unpack, critique and analyze the impact of digital media on the study of the humanities. This anthology is not for the outlining or presentation of specific projects or praxis, but rather a means by which we can theorize about this emerging field. Our goal for this edition is to create a number of theoretical in roads to talk about the digital humanities in critical and helpful ways. Specifically we want to focus on how digital medium shapes the humanities and in turn how we can better theorize based on this insights. We invite you to submit an abstract for this anthology that outlines a philosophical contribution to the theorization and analysis of the digital humanities.
21 Nov 2014 |
“Textual Machines” Symposium
April 18, 2015, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA,
“Textual Machines” is an international symposium exploring literary objects that produce texts through the material interaction with mechanical devices or procedures. We define “textual machines” as a perspective on literature and book objects where text is “a mechanical device for the production and consumption of verbal signs” (Espen J. Aarseth). From the symposium’s perspective, textual machines are not limited to a specific media or epoch, and include literary objects ranging from early modern movable books, to modern pop-up books, artist’s books, game books, concrete poetry, combinatory literature, electronic literature and interactive fictions. A distinctive feature of textual machines is that they invite readers to traverse text through the non-trivial manipulation of mechanistic devices or procedures: by navigating through hyperlinks, footnotes, marginalia or other semiotic cues, or by answering to configurational, exploratory or writing prompts.
Keynote speakers: Janet MURRAY, Professor at the School of Literature, Media and Communication at the Georgia Institute of Technology and interaction designer. Serge BOUCHARDON, Professor at the University of Technology of Compiegne and author of interactive fictions.
[See more details and info about CFP here]
1 Jan 2015
DH Events and Calls for Papers
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